The UNESCO Chair for Dialogue at the University of Kufa and the French Institute in Baghdad hold a symposium on tolerance and dialogue of religions.

 Within the framework of the joint cultural cooperation between the UNESCO Chair at our University and the French Institute in Baghdad, the parties held a symposium on tolerance and the dialogue of religions between Christianity and Islam. Frère Emmanuel Pisani, Director of the Paris Institute of Religious Sciences and theological, and Dr. Mortada Mohamed Ali, participant Researcher at Sorbonne and Director of the Imam Al Khoei Centre in Paris, hosted the meeting with the presence of the Ambassador of France to Iraq and representatives of the French Institute. Dr. Alaa Shatnan, Director of the UNESCO Chair for Dialogue says: Emmanuel Pizzani addressed the concept of brotherhood and tolerance in Christianity historically and its Bible incarnations, and spoke of two concepts of our time in the constant emphasis on fraternity by the visit of His Holiness the Pope to Iraq and his meeting with representatives of religions, particularly with supreme leader Sayyid Ali al Sistani in Najaf Al-Ashraf.
Dr. Murtaza Muhammad Ali also mentioned the concept of tolerance and brotherhood in Islam, beginning with the Holy Koran and the approach of The greatest prophet In addition to the many examples he gave from the Book of Nahj al-Balaghah by Imam Ali, he went on to reconcile the provisions of the Holy Koran with religious texts and books of literature and Intertextuality, especially in the works of Al-Sharif Al-Radi.
For following the symposium, click on the next link:
Translated into English by shaima adnan

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