The Papal Delegation Visits the UNESCO Chair for Dialogue.

The Papal delegation visited the UNESCO Chair for Dialogue at the University of Kufa on Tuesday, October 18, 2022. During his visit to the chair, the delegation was received by Dr. Alaa Shatnan, the Director of the UNESCO Chair for Dialogue. Charles Onka Sona, Secretary of the Papal Ambassador at the Papal Embassy, and Father Dr. Dominican Emir Jaji, Member of the Pontifical Council for Interfaith Dialogue at the Vatican and Assistant Chancellor of the Dominican International University for International Relations, were in the delegation.

During the visit, the delegation expressed its admiration for the importance of interreligious communication and dialogue and the role of academic institutions in promoting the spirit of tolerance and dialogue. The delegation expressed its admiration for Kufa University for its academic importance and because it is located in the city of Najaf Al-Ashraf, which has higher religious value as it embraces the Imam Ali shrine and higher religious reference. It was decided that the University of Kufa and the International Dominican University would work together on religious dialogue, brotherhood, and tolerance projects. This has been confirmed by the Pope’s visit to Iraq and his historic meeting with religious leaders, including Sayyid Ali al-Sistani, in Najaf Al-Ashraf.

At the end of the visit, the delegation gave a book about the Pope’s visit to Iraq to Dr. Alaa Shaban, Director of the UNESCO Chair.

Translated into English by Shaima Adnan.

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