The UNESCO Chair participated in receiving the representative of the Vatican Pope

Mr. Yasser Lafta Hassoun, the President of Al-Kufa University, received the representative of the Vatican Pope, Minister Plenipotentiary Mr. Zablos Anzelm, on Monday, 2/10/2023. Dr. Musab Al-Khzaai, the representative of the UNESCO Chair, participated in the meeting, which discussed enhancing mutual cooperation with the university and its specialized colleges regarding the promotion of religious and cultural dialogue.

The visit also included a lecture delivered by the Papal representative in the College of Pharmacy, in the presence of deans and heads of departments from several colleges, and the UNESCO Chair for Inter-Religious Dialogue. The lecture emphasized the importance of religions in building peace, ending conflicts, and promoting peaceful coexistence. It highlighted the religious significance of the holy city of Najaf, emphasizing that the province and its religious authority play a prominent role in fostering a spirit of love and peace among communities and religions of all denominations.

Furthermore, the University President, Mr. Yasser Lafta Hassoun, highlighted the role of religious authority in preserving social peace and rejecting sectarianism, emphasizing the role of Al-Kufa University and the UNESCO Chair for Inter-Religious Dialogue in deepening studies on peacebuilding and peaceful coexistence in the country.

Translated into English by Saraa Mohammed

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